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Weather satellite images recorded at Akashi, Japan.

Latitude: 34.695, Longitude: 134.902

Software: WXtoImg version 2.10.11

Receiver: unknown

Antenna: unknown

Click on any image below for a full sized image. Times are shown in UTC.

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' + title + '

'); document.write('
'); document.write(''); document.write('' + title + ''); document.write('
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' + xlate('Last Pass') + ':' + time + '
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'); document.write('

' + sat + '

'); document.write(''); document.write('' + title + '
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' + xlate('Pass Start') + ':' + time + '
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' + xlate('Projection') + ':' + proj + '
' + xlate('Direction') + ':' + dir + '
' + xlate('Max Elevation') + ':' + maxel+' '+elaz + '
' + xlate('Frequency') + ':' + freq + '
' + xlate('Channel A') + ':' + cha + '
' + xlate('Channel B') + ':' + chb + '
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' + xlate('Solar Elevation') + ':' + solar + '°
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addImg('noimage.jpg', 'nothumb.jpg', '1', '1', '', 'Pristine', 'Pristine Enhancement', '', '', '°', '', 'MHz', '', '', '', '', ''); addImg('noimage.jpg', 'nothumb.jpg', '1', '1', '', 'Pristine', 'Pristine Enhancement', '', '', '°', '', 'MHz', '', '', '', '', ''); addImg('noimage.jpg', 'nothumb.jpg', '1', '1', '', 'Pristine', 'Pristine Enhancement', '', '', '°', '', 'MHz', '', '', '', '', ''); addImg('noimage.jpg', 'nothumb.jpg', '1', '1', '', 'Pristine', 'Pristine Enhancement', '', '', '°', '', 'MHz', '', '', '', '', ''); addImg('noimage.jpg', 'nothumb.jpg', '1', '1', '', 'Pristine', 'Pristine Enhancement', '', '', '°', '', 'MHz', '', '', '', '', ''); } window.onunload = doImgPopdown; makeImgSection(); /* ]]> */

Next Scheduled Satellite Passes over Akashi, Japan

Start of Pass Time Available Direction Maximum Elevation
Degrees (East or West)
UTC Local Time* UTC Local Time*
NOAA 15 09 Feb 09:00 09 Feb 18:00 09 Feb 09:17 09 Feb 18:17 137.62
NOAA 19 09 Feb 17:14 10 Feb 02:14 09 Feb 17:31 10 Feb 02:31 137.10
NOAA 19 09 Feb 18:55 10 Feb 03:55 09 Feb 19:11 10 Feb 04:11 137.10
NOAA 18 09 Feb 20:31 10 Feb 05:31 09 Feb 20:48 10 Feb 05:48 137.9125
NOAA 15 09 Feb 21:18 10 Feb 06:18 09 Feb 21:36 10 Feb 06:36 137.62
NOAA 18 09 Feb 22:12 10 Feb 07:12 09 Feb 22:27 10 Feb 07:27 137.9125
NOAA 19 10 Feb 04:37 10 Feb 13:37 10 Feb 04:55 10 Feb 13:55 137.10
NOAA 18 10 Feb 07:54 10 Feb 16:54 10 Feb 08:11 10 Feb 17:11 137.9125

* local time is 東京 (標準時).

inserted by FC2 system